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kungani ukhethe aokia

Aokia ukholelwa njalo amanani akuzona wonke ebhizinisini, thina thola win win ubuhlobo emhlabeni wonke.
Thina ukusabalalisa amanani nge ahlola izimakethe, amanani ezifanele inzuzo kokubili. Aokia kuyinto brand odumile futhi
izinga kuwumgogodla, silawule esigabeni ngasinye ukuhlangabezana nezindinganiso quality. Wonke amalungu Aokia babheka
amakhasimende njengoba amalungu omndeni, ithimba lethu kwamakhasimende ikunika best ukwesekwa kanye nekhambi imibuzo.

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