Over the past few years, improvements in mobile devices, Wi-Fi, and cloud computing have made mobile point of sale (POS) solutions effective and affordable for businesses of all sizes. Tablets have emerged as the most popular platform for mobile POS solutions, and you may have already heard the b...Legu pli »
Software provider Square announced the release of the Square Reader software development kit (SDK), which will let developers effectively change the checkout experience on their Square Point of Sale (Free at Square) (POS) systems as they see fit. When we spoke with the company, it said this initi...Legu pli »
Restoracio kaj trinkejo operatoroj frontas kompleksa kaj misio kritika respondecojn kiel punkto de vendo, pago prilaborado, inventaro kontrolo, financa respondeco, kliento sekvado, laboro mastrumado, kuirejo produktiveco, kaj multe pli ĉiutaga. En la okupita serĉado de sukceso, tempo ...Legu pli »