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why choose aokia

Aokia always believes prices are not the whole in the business, we locate win-win for worldwide relationship.
We populate the prices via evaluating the markets, reasonable prices profit both. Aokia is a famous brand and
quality is the backbone, we control each stage to meet the quality standards. All members of Aokia regard
customers as family members, our customer service team gives you the best support and solution to enquiries.

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company news

  • Making The Move To A Tablet Point Of Sale Solution – A Research Guide To Choosing The Right Mobile POS

    Making The Move To A Tablet Point Of Sale...

    Over the past few years, improvements in mobile devices, Wi-Fi, and cloud computing have made mobile point of sale (POS) solutions effective and affordable for businesses of all sizes. Tablets have emerged as the most...
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  • With New SDK, Square Wants to Open New Scenarios for POS

    With New SDK, Square Wants to Open New Sc...

    Software provider Square announced the release of the Square Reader software development kit (SDK), which will let developers effectively change the checkout experience on their Square Point of Sale (Free at Square) (...
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  • Introducing new POS machine

    Introducing new POS machine

    Restaurant and bar operators are faced with complex and mission critical responsibilities such as point of sale, payment processing, inventory control, financial accountability, customer tracking, labor management, ki...
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